Friday, July 9, 2010

1750 Eldar Seer Council List

This is what I'm bringing to the Bunker today. Since everyone is making 1750 lists, here's mine.

1750 Eldar Seer Council Tournament List

Jetbike Seer Council
Farseer = 55
Runes of Warding = 15
Spirit Stones = 20
Eldar Jetbike = 30
Doom = 25
Fortune = 30
TOTAL = 175

6 Warlocks on Jetbikes = 270
1 with Witchblade and Enchance = 15
1 with Witchblade and Destructor = 10
1 with Witchblade and Destructor = 10
1 with Singing Spear and Destructor = 13
1 with Singing Spear and Destructor = 13
1 with Singing Spear and Embolden = 9
TOTAL = 340
TOTAL = 515


5 Rangers = 95

10 Dire Avengers = 120
Exarch = 12
Bladestorm = 15
Wave Serpent = 90
TL Scatter Lasers = 25
Spirit Stones = 10
TOTAL = 272

10 Dire Avengers = 120
Exarch = 12
Bladestorm = 15
Wave Serpent = 90
TL Scatter Lasers = 25
Spirit Stones = 10
Shuriken Cannon = 10
TOTAL = 282


6 Fire Dragons = 96


Falcon = 115
Holo Fields = 35
Spirit Stones = 10
Shuriken Cannon = 5
TOTAL = 165

Night Spinner = 115
Spirit Stones = 10
Star Engines = 15
TOTAL = 140

3 War Walkers = 90
Scatter Laser Scatter Laser = 30
Scatter Laser Scatter Laser = 30
Scatter Laser EML = 35
TOTAL = 185

So obviously the Fire Dragons go inside the falcon. The Rangers will infiltrate and be set up as bait, Night Spinner will sit back and slow down my opponent, everything else is fast enough to set the stage for the Seer Council to melt faces. Walkers will probably out flank in order to keep bring the heat from multiple directions. Also put Star Engines on the Night Spinner in order to get 36" to contest an objective at the end of the game. It might not look that great on paper, but if I plan my movements out well enough, I should be able to handle most anything.
What do you think?


  1. Looks Rock Solid to tell you the truth. The only concern I would have is your anti-Mech power. If someone shoots down your Fire Dragons on turn 1, you might be in a pinch to deal with armor 13+

    The Seer council can do it but you know that they will be getting shoot from turn one.

    Overall great list though.
